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Why me?

I never thought growing up this is what I would be doing as a career. It took almost 10 years to pick up a camera again..and BOY let me tell you how happy I am that I did, I absolutely love being able to capture those sweet moment that get over looked. Those loving glances that no one really sees. The moments of pure joy that seem to happen in the blink of the eye. I am more than a "button-pusher" or a "mom with a camera". I get to show you these moments, and YOU get to relive these moments again, and again. 


About Be Blessed


While I was pregnant with Oliver and Jaxon AKA The Boys the word "blessed" kept appearing in and around my life. I would see it on facebook, in stores, and driving from place to place. My husband and I  were completely blessed with the small amount of time we were able to spend with The Boys. As well as , how much they have meant to not only our family ad friends, but to everyone who's heard our story. Photography (and God) have pulled me out of some of the darkest times of my life. I started this Be Blessed Photography when Oliver and Jaxon went to Heaven in 2018. Starting a business in honor of them has made my life shine 1,000 times brighter than I thought it could after losing them. 

 I am truly blessed by giving families, couples, and parents (new and old) these tangible momentums. We may think we will never forget a moment, but it happens more often than we'd like to admit. With photos we are able to share that memory with generations to come.

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